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Big Hat Mafia Founder Barrett Green
The Husband and Wife team of Goldie (Jennifer Green) and Woo (Barret Green) have been around the racing scene for a majority of their adult lives. They have been street racing since the early 00's, and recently with the emergence of the no prep scene have been attending most of the track events. They started off doing photography through a company called 660Photos and was always around to help organize racing event or just to be a professional spectator.
Today our collective focus is on growing the Big Hat Mafia brand, and Growing Woo's announcing career at professional drag strips. Barrett specializes in the No Prep racing scene, but has the knowledge of several different racing organizations. He has announced for several of the No Prep series across the country such as Doomsday, Armageddon, Street Outlaws No Prep Kings, and Winter Meltdown among many others!